Molecular Genetics of Breast Cancer

Hispanics are a genetically admixed population with European, Native American and West African ancestry components. Genome-wide association studies of breast cancer in women of European and Asian descent have identified multiple risk variants. Some of these associations have been independently replicated in Hispanics. However, little is known about the interaction between risk associated variants and genetic ancestry.

The main focus of the project is the development and practical application of tailored statistical methods for the evaluation of genetic data from association and expression studies. The project is performed in collaboration with PD Dr. Justo Lorenzo Bermejo, Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University Hospital Heidelberg. Methodological improvements will focus on the robustification of standard methods for the statistical analysis of genetic data.

The successful candidate will have the possibility to work at the interface of genetics and biostatistics and will gain substantial experience in both the practical analysis of genetic data and the development of novel statistical techniques.

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Thesius Inspiration
Bio- und Gentechnologie
Expression studies Bioinformatik Biostatistik breast cancer Genome-wide association studies Humangenetik Biologie Medizin
We are looking for a highly motivated, well qualified statistician or (bio)mathematician, ideally with practical experience in SAS and/or R. The candidate should have good analytical and communication skills, and be interested in working in an interdisciplinary team at the forefront of cancer research and biostatistics. Applications should include a cover letter, CV and three reference letters.
Befristung: The position is limited for 3 years.
Bewerbungsschluss: October 17, 2014
Weitere Informationen: Prof. Dr. Ute Hamann - phone 06221 42-2344

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